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Engineering Management

Multiconsult is one of Norway’s largest consulting engineering companies. The market expects us to be capable of managing multidisciplinary engineering projects, and to have the expertise necessary to lead such projects to successful completion. We take these expectations seriously. We are so frant to say that Multiconsult shall be the best engineering company in Norway when it comes to management and control of multi-disciplinary engineering projects. This is for Multiconsult a commitment towards our customers.

In addition to our highly professional staff and broad discipline staff, we  have highly-qualified engineering managers who cultivate engineering and project control as a profession, and who know Multiconsults organisation from the inside. This unique combination allows us to provide customers with a compete and aligned teams who secure  a high level of quality and good productivity.

Multiconsult is playing a vital role in these areas:

  • We aim to participate in the development and growth of the business and to improve its reputation.
  • We participate in professional arenas addressing management and project control.
  • We want to help our customers by learning to understand their goals, needs and expectations.
  • We aim to cooperate with customers, owners, builders, contractors, architects and other consultants and advisors so project execution can become as flexible and structured as possible.
  • We take the lead in supporting innovative projects in our business.
  • We want to contribute to sustainable development of society by focusing on environmental issues during project planning and execution.



Executing extensive and complex projects to a successful completion requires an understanding of the challenges inherent in a project related to management, control, methodology and technology, Multiconsult has been harvesting experience for more than 100 years from innumerable large-scale projects in our various business areas. This experience allows us to combine best practice from many types of projects and implement this knowledge in our entire organization.


Multiconsult has set up its own centralised unit housing personnel having special capabilities in engineering management and project control relative to large multidisciplinary projects. This unit has become our centre of excellence for professional project planning, engineering management and project control ensuring a professional an stimulating environment for our employees who are triggered by the desire to bring projects to successful completion.


Predictable execution

Our customers need to know that Multiconsult will lead their projects in a predictable and professional manner – each and every time. That is why we are working continuously to improve on these skilla and implement our best practice standards for project execution.

We document our best practice standards by in our Project Execution Model, which describes work processes, gate review decisions, project deliverables, and how to manage interaction with customers and external contractors involved in all  phases of a project. In this way we can ensure predictability and well performed projects.



For more information about engineering management in Multiconsult,
download Multiconsult – Engineering management brochure (3 Mb)